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14. Editing

The edit plugin allows users to edit geographical data from their web browser.

14.1. Client-side Configuration

14.1.1. edit.ini

Here are the options that can be set on the client:

  • general.allowedRoles: comma separated list of the roles that are allowed to use the edit plugin
  • insertedFeaturesMaxNumber: integer, number of new features that user is allowed to draw for insertion in the database Set it to 0 if user is only allowed to update or delete features.
  • editLayers: comma separated list of layers that are editable
  • editResultNbCol: number of columns to use to display the attributes table
  • editDisplayAction: this string parameter is used to tell if the "validate" and "cancel" buttons have to be displayed also under the attributes table. If empty or both, buttons will be displayed both in the folder and under the attributes table. If folder, buttons will be displayed only in the folder.

14.2. Related Elements in Mapfile

14.2.1. Metadatas

Specific metadatas must be set in the mapfile for the editable layers

    'edit_table' 'edit_poly' # PostGIS table
    'edit_geometry_column' 'the_geom' # PostGIS geometry column
    'edit_geometry_type' 'polygon' # PostGIS geometry type
    'edit_srid' '-1'
    'edit_attributes' 'parc_id,name|string,culture|string,surf,parc_type|integer' # list of the editable fields
  • edit_table: string, name of the postGIS table to edit
  • edit_geometry_column: string, name of the geometry field in the table
  • edit_geometry_type: string, type of the geometry of the features for the layerpossible values are point, line, polygonMay differ from the msLayer type (rendering)
  • edit_srid: integer (optional), id of the SRID
  • edit_attributes: string, comma separated list of attributes used for edition.Each value represents the attribute name and type separated by a pipe symbol. Only attributes with type set are editable.


    Attribute types available values are 'string' and 'integer'.

14.3. How To

In this section are described the steps to get the edit plugin working on a cartoweb project.

  • First, you need a PostgreSQL database with postGIS enabled. Let's say, it is named "edit_db" for the following explanations.

  • At that point, you may launch demoEdit_schema.sql and demoEdit_data.sql located in the

    <CARTOWEB_HOME>/projects/demoEdit/ directory. This will create 3 sample geometry tables, one for each type of geometry.
  • In CartoWeb, you'll have to load the edit plugin in your project on both client and server sides. 

    loadPlugins = [...], edit

  • Then, you'll need to configure the plugin by setting the layer_ids in the editLayers parameter in the edit.ini file. 

    editLayers = edit_poly, edit_line, edit_point

  • In your mapfile, in the corresponding LAYER, you'll have to set the specific metadatas as following : 

      NAME "edit_poly"
      CONNECTION 'dbname=edit_db user=www-data password=www-data host=localhost'
      DATA 'the_geom from (select the_geom, oid, parc_id, name, culture, surf, parc_type  from edit_poly) as foo'
      TEMPLATE 'ttt'
      LABELITEM "name"
        NAME "class"
          COLOR 50 50 255
          OUTLINECOLOR 255 50 50
        'id_attribute_string' 'parc_id' # query
        'query_returned_attributes' 'parc_id name culture surf parc_type'
        'edit_table' 'edit_poly' # PostGIS table
        'edit_geometry_column' 'the_geom' # PostGIS geometry column
        'edit_geometry_type' 'polygon' # PostGIS geometry type
        'edit_srid' '-1'
        'edit_attributes' 'parc_id,name|string,culture|string,surf,parc_type|integer' # list of the editable fields
        'edit_filter' '' # mapserver filter


    Make sure that your edit_attributes list does not include spaces between attributes.

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